

The waste scraper, made of aluminium, allows for the removal of waste that obstructs the closing of household waste containers. It can be folded into 3 positions and has a dual-use double hook. One side has a pick for scraping in corners and removing waste, while the other side is flat and can be used as a scraper. This waste scraper is equipped with a simple locking system using a pin and is secured with a chain. It is also equipped with a scraper attachment and a pricking attachment.

Recommended Usages

The waste scraper allows for easy removal of waste that obstructs the articulation and lifting systems of household garbage containers. The scraper tip and the pointed tip allow for the removal of waste stuck to the bottom of the container.

Decreasing rates according to quantities.

Waste-scratcher pole Length 1.30 / DEPLOYED 2.3 m
Shipment within 72 hours
Net price (excluding taxes)
236.00 €

Technical specifications

Product type :
Transport accessory
Uses / Areas :
Disposal - Transport
Composition :
Dimensions :
Weight :

Other products in the same category: Handling poles