Return policy

Our return policy applies only to stock items. Specific products are not accepted for return by OTEXIO.

1.1 Before shipping

To proceed with the return of one or more products, the following conditions must be met:

  • The product(s) must be in perfect condition, unused, and suitable for restocking.
  • No tape or other substances should be applied directly on the product.
  • The packaging of the products for transport, as well as the pallet, must be in good condition.
  • Please send us photographic evidence to the following email address:
1.2 On the package, at the time of shipping

An label must be attached to the package with the following information:

  • The mention "OTEXIO RETURN"
  • The client's name
  • The order number associated with the return
  • The OTEXIO sales contact (not needed if it’s a web order)
  • The reference(s) concerned by the return
  • The quantity of products per reference concerned by the return
  • The costs for returning the product(s) are at your expense.
1.3 After shipping

Once the carrier has picked up the package, you must send an email to specifying the shipment date of the package.

1.4 Upon receipt

We will check that the material is in good condition for restocking.
In case of damaged or missing material (packaging, finished products), our sales department will contact you.
If the material is suitable for restocking, a credit note will be issued by the accounting department.

1.5 New product

If you wish to order a new product, feel free to visit our online store: